Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Twitter Friends

If you are on Twitter, then chances are that you already know about Friend or Follow. If you do, bear with me while I talk a little about that, but a little bit more about my new love: Twitter. Even though I just hit 5,000 tweets last week, I'm still claiming the Twitter newbie title while I can. There is just still so much that is new. Aside from the general coolness of Friend or Follow, here's the new thing I learned this week: I could totally be the crazy facebook tattoo girl of Twitter. Well, not really, in that I'm totally not a tattoo girl, pain girl, needles girl, or anything too permanent girl. But other than I could totally be the crazy facebook tattoo girl of Twitter.

In case you don't know about the crazy facebook tattoo lady, all you need to know is that some lady was reported to have tattooed the faces of her 152 facebook friends onto her arm. Turns out, it was just a hoax. But the point is, that when I saw the story for the first time, I thought: Really? (Re-read that with the voice of Seth Meyers if you will.) Really? Your whole arm? I'll bet you hide most of those "friends" from your fb news feed, too.

But then this week my husband was reading my tweets, as he is wont to do. (He's not on Twitter, he just reads my tweets. So it's kinda like having a stalker, but he's my husband, so it's kinda sweet.) Someone had suggested in a tweet I go to for some reason or another. I was probably either apologizing for my poor follow-back skills or whining about how Twitter just randomly unfollows people "for" you and how would I even know if Twitter had unfollowed someone I really liked following? So as my husband was reading my recent tweets, he says to me, "You haven't been to Friend or Follow? It's kinda cool." So when your non-tweeting husband is in the know about a twitter-tool website and you're not, you of course, have to stop what you're doing and go directly to that site. And OMG! I love this site. It's super simple, but so cool!

So what does all that have to do with me becoming the crazy tattoo girl of Twitter. Well, I'm getting there. Geez. Patience, people.

For those of you who don't know what Friend or Follow does, it basically just breaks your Twitter peeps into three groups, which I will show you.

Following: These are the people whom you follow, but who don't follow you. These are mine.

There's really nothing too shocking here. Except, of course, that @AlecBaldwin hasn't followed me back yet. That's a little weird.

Then there are your fans: people who follow you, but you don't follow them. Again, these are mine:

I could't believe this when I saw it. I know I am rather horrible about checking out (and hence following back) new followers. I usually just wait until they talk to me first. Then I follow back. But this was a large number. 116 to be exact. I decided I'll visit here regularly and choose some interesting looking avatars to investigate for potential follow back.(But if you actually want me to follow you, it's really best if you just talk to me.)

And finally, there are your friends: people whom you follow and who follow you back. These are my Twitter friends:

Now if you don't follow me on Twitter, this is just a group of 235 random avatars. If you do follow me, you probably recognize some of these faces.  But when I saw this group of pictures, I just smiled. Really smiled. These really are my Twitter friends. I sent out my very first tweet on February 26, 2011. Since then, not only have I acquired this many Twitter friends, but I look at those faces (and cartoon faces and even some pictures of just random stuff **ahem shoes**), and I see the faces of the people who keep me company, make me laugh, share their lives, ask me about my day, send me eHugs after a crummy day, and just all around make me love Twitter. It's not Twitter that I love though, it's you.

So at the risk of sounding like a drunk college kid, I love you, man!

But no, I am not tattooing your faces on my arm.

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I haven't been to friend or follow, I'm going to check it out though.
I don't follow back everyone that follows me, I wait until they talk to me, and until we have a meaningful conversation. I also never follow back and egg.
I say my picture in your friends.. yes I searched for it.
You're good people!
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
I see my face! I SEE MY FAAAAACE! :D
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I like your show, too, Tweep!
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
Yay!!! I see me in the friends section.
Seriously... I love Twitter and could sit there and chat all day if I could. There's always somebody around to talk to no matter what time a day it is and usually its someone that you're friends with!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Dude. Was totally just going to write a post about how much I love my twitter friends. I like you guys more than most of my REAL friends. Are you stealing my blog post ideas too now?! Man!

And I looked at your list of peeps that you're friends with and was all OMG I KNOW THEM TOO! (Not ALL..but bunches!) and even *I* smiled. I was all..I love this network. I use to not GET twitter..I wondered how people could spend time on there..thought it was stupid and useless and pointless.

But it's just..bigger than that. It's making me get through my day with stupid people. It's making me laugh. out. loud. LITERALLY. It's making me send out virtual hugs and get them back too. I love the friends I have on there..and without sounding too mushy...I love you too, dude.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I am totally going there now! I am still a newbie but have so many Twitter friends that I really miss when I am Twitter banned. AND I see my :) Glad to be one of your 'Friends"!
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
Love this. Tweet on babe!
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
I see me! I keep up with the followbacks by having a notification sent to my email when I get a new follower. I'm pretty sure I've followed some tweeps who then promptly unfollowed me. Rude. I should check out friendorfollow, huh?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Checking it out now =)
I recognize lots of those avis! Awww, and these are people I like to talk to, not FB people I have to hide. All kinds of Twitter love. Twove? Litter?
2 replies · active 704 weeks ago
Aw, I love you friend! Kind of funny that it's showing a really old avatar of mine. But my main concern is: why are you following EGGS?
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
It's so cool to recognize several avatars at first glance!! I didn't see mine at first and was gonna give you a stern talking to on Twitter then realized my old picture is in there :)

Twitter is awesome!
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
OMG that's me! Right on the top! I think I'm famous now!
About the tattoo... maybe not the arm, but what about your foot or something? I mean, it could even be on the bottom. That's not too much to ask, right?
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I see me!!! (in the friends section - OF COURSE!) and lots of others I recognize... was playing with Friend of Follow yesterday (as you well know, based on our twitter convo about it) and I've decided to (try) NOT be offended or get my feelings hurt at people who aren't following me back... especially the ones I really enjoy following... it's possible (or so I tell myself) that they don't KNOW they're not following me... so I try to engage them... it's the ones that I repeatedly @ mention, who aren't only NOT following back, but that also NEVER respond - that I end up unfollowing... which I hate to do, but really, if they can't even have the courtesy of simple twitiquette to NOT IGNORE me, then I guess it's their loss... because I *know* that I am a fan-freakin-tastic friend. (or so I tell myself) ;) XO
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I see me! I'm a friend, yay!

I have not checked this out yet, will get on that now. Very cool!

And if you're going to tattoo me on your body, how about like the back of your neck instead of your arm? How awesesome to have me staring at people behind you, sorta like "I got your back".

Oh, this is Luluwrites by the way.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
Oh I totally want to see my group. You all make my days a little better. Husband doesn't quite understand my twitter love but it's this group of strangers who have become my friends and share their thoughts and make my day.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
How about your butt? Would you tattoo my face on your butt?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I'm going to check that site out! Thanks! I was wondering how people knew who unfollowed them. I'm still new to Twitter, but I really enjoy it. I used to spend my time on FB, but I can totally see the difference between the two.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
Friend or follow hurts my feelings. But I do like seeing my face in your twitter friends list.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I just spent 10 minutes trying to find my pic...friendorfollow evidently has my oolllddd avatar filed away.

1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
This is great. Never heard of friend or follow before, so thank your husband for me! Of course, it sent my self confidence into the toilet, but it probably needed to be knocked down a peg or two. And I am assuming you arent a friend of mine because you dont like my shoes ;)
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I am totally checking that site out! I was glad to see my little black avi hanging out there! The site I have been using to just see who unfollows me is called Thats actually the url. Weird right? Anyways Thanks for being my twitter buddy!
2 replies · active 703 weeks ago
I was actually wondering today if there was a better way to keep up with followers. I've been tweeting regularly for about 6 months and had never heard of this! So thanks :)
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I totally smiled when I saw my friends list. It was very cozy feeling. But why the hell does that show my old old old avatar of the little sparkler thingy? Weird.

Dude, is that Voldemort in the list of people you are following? That's awesome.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I love you man! What a cute, fun, sweet post. I can't help but smile! I'm glad your my twitter friend. Yay!
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago

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